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we will discuss analyses of relationships between clothes, and between the
clothes and the user through a method, which we call the wardrobe studies. More specifically, we will discuss how this method can contribute to increasing the material element – as opposed to the symbolic element – and how this method may be a fruitful approach to other research fields. Wardrobe studies are a methodological approach that analyses the way in which clothes relate so each other on the whole or in parts of the wardrobe

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SK Modular Kitchen have the quality of wardrobe price in Vadodara Baroda Gujarat India, The term wardrobe could also be taken literally or metaphorically together may have variety of wardrobes for various occasions and situations. Some may be for social functions, work, or exercise. Others may be for different aspects of ourselves, as indicated by the expression “out of the closet” in relation to homosexual men. These different wardrobes may, but won’t necessarily, be physically distinct or mutually exclusive.
We will begin by discussing developments within the study of dress and fashion wardrobe in India. In the effort to make these studies more based on the material and physical as opposed to symbolic elements, the focus is on the relationship between the body and clothes. As an alternate approach, we propose the study of the connection of garments to other clothes within a greater whole (the wardrobe) as how to spotlight the materiality of clothing.
unifying institutions, and publishing channels. At an equivalent time as fashion studies were changing, specialise in materiality and therefore the physical body increased. The connection between the material and the body, both developing as a research area around the same time, inspired the emerging field of dress and fashion studies and opened a rich field of research. Dress and fashion studies are now an interdisciplinary field that encompasses a number of different approaches and therefore also a variety of methods.
The important divide is between the object-centered methods; the curator/collectors vs. ‘academic’ social/economic history and cultural theory approach. Like much other social research, the latter has been dominated by textual analysis and best wardrobe price in Vadodara, methods are dependent on verbal statements. Since the material is verbal, analysis and text production seem easier, but it also limits what these methods are suited to analyzing.
This duality points to the clothes but also points to the material frames within which they are kept. These frames refer not only to the physical walls of the closet but to an entire structure of different storage spaces with corresponding wardrobe price in vadodara for where and what clothes should be kept and how clothes should be moved between them. Maintenance, cleanliness, acquisition, and disposal are parts of that structure, as is that the practice of dressing during which garments and accessories are chosen and put together.
These also leave a co-fabrication of knowledge between researcher and subject, with a regard to the fabric surroundings. Researching a topic that involves encounters between humans and their material surroundings, while moving together in the actual surroundings under scrutiny, help to stimulate communication and the ability to describe experiences.
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In order to get a better understanding of how clothes are used and why, we need better knowledge of the material framework of everyday dress practices, whether for work, leisure, sports, or social events. Our contribution is to address this as a methodological challenge where we build on well-known methods and close dialogue with a network of interested and competent researchers. Due to its emphasis upon practices and attempt to grasp materiality, this combination of methods may also be used within consumer studies, design studies,
Interviews provide a great amount of information and rich access to people’s knowledge, experiences, perceptions, and discourses. However, interviews only produce material on how clothes are discussed in the context of the interview. The fact that other contexts may produce different discussions about the same clothes and that conclusions of actual use cannot be drawn from these interviews is frequently discussed in methodology literature but easily overlooked. In wardrobe studies, interviews are used both as a supplement and as an integrated part of the method.
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